Garden Supply Company

Bring your garden to life: How to grow the perfect azaleas this spring

Bring your garden to life: How to grow the perfect azaleas this spring

Nothing makes a spring garden sweeter than pops of color from flowers or shrubs. A member of the Rhododendron genus, azaleas are the perfect plant for making your garden come to life this season. They can be found in almost any color imaginable, and make a great year-round border for your front yard. Want to make your garden stand out this spring? Check out these simple tips to grow your azaleas!

Build me up buttercup: How to grow ranunculus this spring

Build me up buttercup: How to grow ranunculus this spring

Spring has sprung, and what better way to show how HOPPY you are than by filling your garden with bright colors? The ranunculus is perfect for the job. Ranunculus is more commonly referred to as the buttercup, though with over 250 different types, there are other members as well. Their colors range from white and cream, pastel mixes of pink, salmon and rose to yellow, sunset orange and red. Want to create a colorful landscape for your garden? Check out these tips on how to grow ranunculus this spring!

Crash course: The art of Japanese maple care

Crash course: The art of Japanese maple care

Spring is in full bloom, and with it comes a warm rainbow of Japanese maples. Acer Palmatum is known in Japan as kaede, (“frog’s hands”) and momiji (“baby’s hands”) because of their foliage. Growing widely across northeast Asia, these maples are now exported to western countries as well.

Holy shiitake! Black bean & avocado quesadillas with grilled shiitake recipe

Holy shiitake! Black bean & avocado quesadillas with grilled shiitake recipe

When a certain food has been used as medicine in Japan and China for centuries, you know it must be good! Shiitake mushrooms are packed with vitamins B and D, known to improve immune function, help lower cholesterol, and fight growth of cancer cells. Want to boost your immune system? Try this quesadilla recipe to keep your body healthy and happy this spring!

Feeling lucky? Go green this spring with fresh new grass

Feeling lucky? Go green this spring with fresh new grass

Could your lawn use a little TLC after such a cold winter this year? It might be time for new grass. We typically recommend planting grass in the fall, but it isn’t too late! There’s still time to get a lush green lawn if you start planting now! Garden Supply Company has everything you need this spring to go green!

Help create communities built on hope: Get to know Roc Solid Foundation

Help create communities built on hope: Get to know Roc Solid Foundation

One of the greatest things about gardening is being able to satisfy our need to get outside and play! If you’ve ever had or known a child with cancer, you’ll understand how important it is for them to be able to do just that—play. For this reason, Roc Solid Foundation is a charity that is near and dear to our hearts at Garden Supply Company.

Spring Open House: Your chance to meet the designers

Spring Open House: Your chance to meet the designers

We're no longer counting down the days until Spring because it's already arriving at Garden Supply Company! Everyday we see a little more color around here and we couldn't be more excited to share our plants and landscaping tips with you. That's why we're hosting our big Spring party a little early this year!

Holiday lore and Christmas cactus care

Holiday lore and Christmas cactus care

When it comes to Christmas, the first thing that comes to mind is evergreens––Christmas trees, firs, hollies. Typically, our minds don’t think: cactus! So what’s the deal with the Christmas Cactus? How did it come to be an indoor plant we use to decorate with for the holidays? Let’s find out...

Loropetalum: A landscaping staple

Loropetalum: A landscaping staple

Have you heard? Fall is the best time of year to plan and plant your landscape. Why? Because the milder conditions are just right for plants to concentrate their energy on establishing roots rather than budding, blooming or existing in the heat of summer or frost of winter. So while the timing is right, we wanted to be sure you knew about one of our landscaping staples––loropetalum...

Fir babies: Eight fir trees & other evergreens to plant for winter cuttings

Fir babies: Eight fir trees & other evergreens to plant for winter cuttings

International Dog Day came along this week and photos of man and their best friends spread on social media like wildfire. We love dogs (and cats) but we're all about our fir babies (not our fur babies) right now. Why? For one, the fall is the best time of year to plant trees and shrubs to promote healthy root growth during milder temperatures. So give us a minute and let us to do a little show and tell before winter is among us and you're out in your yard with the scissors looking for trees and shrubs to trim for arrangements and wreaths. Check out the slideshow below to see eight fir trees and other evergreens we think make great choices to plant for both landscapes and winter cuttings. 

Planting for the future: Cool season vegetable gardening

Planting for the future: Cool season vegetable gardening

What's cool to plant while you're hot? Cool season vegetables. That's what! Although the dog days of summer make it tough to think about milder days, they are coming and fall will be here before we know it. That means it's time to start planning and planting your cool season vegetable garden so that soon enough you'll be feasting on garden-to-table meals using your own fresh broccoli, cauliflower, beets, swiss chard, lettuce, kale, cabbage, radishes and your other favorite fall veggies.

Garden to table recipe: Peach chia seed pudding

Garden to table recipe: Peach chia seed pudding

What's sweet as pie but healthy as a peach? Peach chia seed pudding. That's what! Yeah, yeah. Sounds kind of strange and not as good as pie but don't knock it until you've tried it. We guarantee you're going to love this healthy and energizing treat! 

Garden to Table Recipe: A Twist on the Tomato Sandwich

Garden to Table Recipe: A Twist on the Tomato Sandwich

No matter how you pronounce it––tuh-MAY-toh or tuh-MAH-toh––a tomato is a tomato. What matters is how they taste and everyone knows those tomatoes that we pick fresh from our veggie gardens are 500 times better than anything you could ever buy at the store. 

While all of us green thumbs tend to enjoy eating our tomatoes right there in the garden, fresh off of the vine, there are plenty of other ways to serve up the fruits of our labor. And when it comes to tomatoes, there's nothing like a good old tomato sandwich--Duke's mayonnaise, white bread and sliced tomato. It's that easy! But today, we'll share with you a twist on the tomato sandwich to add a little flare to your tradition. Give it a try...

Garden to Table Recipe: Cool as a Cucumber Sandwich

Garden to Table Recipe: Cool as a Cucumber Sandwich

Summer might as well be here. It’s hot! Want to know how we stay so cool at Garden Supply Company? Try this cucumber sandwich recipe (a twist on your average cuke sandwich) to stay cool as a cucumber using as many fresh ingredients from your own garden as you can!

The ultimate vacation plant: Summertime succulents

The ultimate vacation plant: Summertime succulents

Some like it hot and succulents are some of those plants. Most succulents are native to dry desert areas which means they do well in the heat of the summer around here. 

Pot O' Gold: Five tricks of the container gardening trade

Pot O' Gold: Five tricks of the container gardening trade

At the end of every rainbow, there’s a pot of gold and by that we mean a pot full of fragrant flowers and foliage. Container gardens are easy to maintain. They’re practically in the palm or your hand and, oftentimes, moveable so who doesn’t want to garden in pretty pots? Whether they’re for show on your front porch or for the veggies that you’re hoping to start early in the back, take a look at these five easy tricks of the trade to be sure you say no to pot rot and yes to a pot of gold...

Azaleas: Tips to Grow a True Southern Belle

Azaleas: Tips to Grow a True Southern Belle

If you're from the South, your yard has to have at least one azalea but chances are you've got them everywhere. When these evergreen shrubs begin to light up our landscapes with pops of color, this is how we know that Spring has sprung! 

If you're anything like us, you've already got Spring fever. This weather has us putting on our gardening gloves and ready to play in the dirt. If you're looking to add color to your yard this time of year, try planting a row of azaleas. They come in hundreds of shades ranging from deep magentas to pure white. Take a look at our tips to be sure you maximize your ROI (return on investment)...

Houseplants we love: These are a few of our favorite green things

Houseplants we love: These are a few of our favorite green things

It's not official yet but spring is certainly in the air! If you're like us, you'll do anything to get it to come a little closer, baby. So let's start inside, where it's always warm. Bring spring indoors with a little greenery from nature. Try one or a few of our favorite green things (houseplants we love) below to adorn your house or office with new life...