container gardening

Pot O' Gold: Five tricks of the container gardening trade

Pot O' Gold: Five tricks of the container gardening trade

At the end of every rainbow, there’s a pot of gold and by that we mean a pot full of fragrant flowers and foliage. Container gardens are easy to maintain. They’re practically in the palm or your hand and, oftentimes, moveable so who doesn’t want to garden in pretty pots? Whether they’re for show on your front porch or for the veggies that you’re hoping to start early in the back, take a look at these five easy tricks of the trade to be sure you say no to pot rot and yes to a pot of gold...

Pumpkins are for potting: How to make your own Jack-o-pot

Pumpkins are for potting: How to make your own Jack-o-pot

October is here and there aren't many front porches or stoops that won't soon be graced by gourds and bright orange (or white!) pumpkins making way for the season of candy corn, scary movies and children dressed up as cheery princesses or creepy ghouls. And while we love the tradition of carving faces into pumpkins–creepy or cute, we have another idea that might just tickle your Halloween decor fancy. Why not make your pumpkin your fall front porch pot? Here's how:

Blooms with a boom: Summer annuals & perennials that add color to your containers

Blooms with a boom: Summer annuals & perennials that add color to your containers

It's getting hot out there! So take out all your pots. It's time to refresh those container gardens of yours with a pop of color. Need a little help deciding what colorful plants will work best for your containers? 

TLC for Container Plants

Good morning everyone!  The gloomy weather continues this week, but that doesn't slow us down at Garden Supply.  We are bursting with activity and beautiful plant selections, with choices to please any gardener, from beginner to expert.  Stop by and check out our fabulous array of stunning Knock Out Roses. The Knock Out Family of Roses are easy to grow and do not require special care. They are the most disease resistant rose on the market. They have stunning flower power with a generous bloom cycle (about every 5-6 weeks) that will continue until the first hard frost. All of the Knock Out Roses are self-cleaning so there is no need to deadhead. We are happy  to be able to offer the shrubs, as well as gorgeous topiary forms, and even a brand new climbing variety that we are particularly excited about.

Monrovia Knock Out Rose topiary Rosa x 'Radrazz'

Over the last week, I've been sharing tips and techniques for growing outstanding container plantings, and today I'd like to share a little TLC for your container garden.  You've chosen your plants and planted them in quality potting mix.  Now, proper care will keep them happy.

Pots in full sun often require daily soaking, especially in our hot Piedmont summers.  Shade pots, however, are easy to overwater.  If the soil is wet to the touch, wait another day.

Regularly snip off spent blooms and brown leaves to keep your containers looking in tip-top shape. Deadheading flowers often stimulates extra blooming, as well.

Place pots where they'll receive the amount of sun or shade appropriate for the plants in them.  All the plants in a pot should have similar sun and water needs.

With just these few simple tips, you'll be growing a fabulous container garden in no time.  Our friendly experts are always on hand to answer any questions and help you make the right selections for your yard, too, so come on down and pay us a visit.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I'll see you back here soon for more snippets from the garden.

Outdoor Containers- Basic Design

Good morning everyone!  We sure are getting a spot of rain this weekend, aren't we?  It's a bit gloomy for us, but just think how happy the dry landscape is right about now.  I know that my grass was feeling the strain of the heat already. Last post I shared with you all a few tips on selecting the right pots and potting mixes for your outdoors containers. Now that you've gotten started, here are a few hints on basic design principles to create a stunning impact with your pots.

For a good basic design, just remember three words- thriller, spiller and filler. Combine an upright plant, a trailer that spills down the pot's sides, and a filler to add fullness and color.

Good choices for your thriller plants include yucca, cannas, fountain grass, and the 'spikes' shown here, among others. Try ferns, hostas or heucheras for your shady container garden.

False Dracaena 'Spikes'


Options for the spiller feature include creeping jenny, sweet potato vines, calibrachoa, and bacopa, to name a few.

Callie Brights Calibrachoa

Calibrachoa, available in multiple color choices, provide an abundance of brightly colored blooms all season long.  They are easy to grow and very rewarding.  Perfect for all kinds of containers, including window boxes, hanging baskets and combination planters.

Giant White (suteracordata) Bacopa

Hundreds of beautiful flowers cover the bacopa trailing plants all summer.  The Giant White variety continues to bloom even after other bacopas have stopped, making it another perfect choice for your containers.

Filler plants are available in all different color choices and foliar interest.  Look for flowers in the annuals section, any number of which will be perfect for the filler feature.

To make a real impact with your container garden, remember there is power in numbers.  Combine three, five, or even more pots in varying sizes and styles on steps, in a corner, or at an entry.  Containers that are unremarkable by themselves take on greater impact in groups.

If you're looking for a real star of the show, know that pots with single plants can be stunning accents.  Choose a larger container and a plant with striking features, and this stand-alone will take center stage.

Hope these basic design tips help you create the container garden of your dreams.  Remember that our helpful experts are on hand seven days a week to assist with all your planting needs, including tips on choosing the right plants for your containers.  I'll be back soon with hints about TLC for your newly planted pots.  See you all soon!

Wine & Design Container Gardening

Hi everyone! Tonight is Wine & Design time down at Garden Supply. Join us from 6-8 pm and let our experts help you pick out the perfect plant arrangements for your container garden.  Sip a glass of wine and enjoy a beautiful evening with us. This event is free, however RSVPs are requested at 460-7747 or email at Want a few tips on easy container gardening? Beautiful pots bursting with gorgeous plantings dress up your patio, entry, or garden, and they are a snap with these simple guidelines.

Dazzling containers reach their potential only if planted properly.  Here's the scoop on soil, pots, and the little things that help plants thrive. Plants need good potting mix to flourish.  But how can you spot a good potting soil?  Hoist the bag. If it's light and fluffy, like moist sawdust, it's probably fine.  If it's heavy and feels like wet dirt, keep looking. Also consider using a mix that already contains a slow-release fertilizer, like Miracle Grow potting soil. Always use potting mix, never garden soil.  And although it's tempting to reuse potting mix- it costs money after all- your plants will grow more robustly and have fewer diseases with fresh mix. If your soil doesn't already contain it, blend in slow-release fertilizer when you plant.

Pots must have a drainage hole for excess water to pass through.  A pan to hold the drain water prevents staining on your deck or patio. In larger pots- more than 12 inches across- you may want to add an upside-down plastic pot or packing peanuts in the pot's bottom to decrease the overall weight.  In smaller pots, fill completely with soil to allow for good root growth.

Finally, cover the surface with mulch.  Not only does it decorate the pot, it also reduces soil splashing and conserves water.  Simple bark mulch is fine, but try other materials such as rocks or moss for a more decorative look.

Now that we've got you started, you can move onto the real fun part...picking out your plants.  Stop by the garden center tonight and let our friendly experts guide you on making the perfect selections for your yard.  And come back tomorrow for more tips from me on basic design and TLC for your newly planted containers.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you all back here tomorrow for more snippets from the garden.