Garden Supply Co

Spring Open House: Your chance to meet the designers

Spring Open House: Your chance to meet the designers

We're no longer counting down the days until Spring because it's already arriving at Garden Supply Company! Everyday we see a little more color around here and we couldn't be more excited to share our plants and landscaping tips with you. That's why we're hosting our big Spring party a little early this year!

Make your own mumkin: A cheap and easy fall DIY project

Make your own mumkin: A cheap and easy fall DIY project

What do you get when you mix and match two of our fall favorites? A mumkin! Yeah, we spelled that right. Mumkins are super fun and inexpensive gardening DIY projects to do at home with the kids or even with a group of friends over a glass of wine and now is the perfect time to make your own so that you can decorate with yours over both Halloween and Thanksgiving. It's easy! Give it a try...

The perfect pansy: A recipe for planting success

The perfect pansy: A recipe for planting success

Pansies are a staple for every Fall garden. Not sure how to plant pansies for maximum color and growth? Use this easy recipe for planting success to be sure you're using the proper soil, fertilizer and technique for your Fall pansy plot this year. Our short video below will walk you through this quick tutorial. Happy planting!