
Mum knows best: How to keep your mums alive through the winter

Mum knows best: How to keep your mums alive through the winter

Though often treated as annuals, chrysanthemums are actually perennials + can come back year after year if properly cared for during the winter months. These brightly colored beauties are the perfect way to add life to your garden. So how can you keep them thriving each year? Mum’s the word! Check out these tips.

Bring the jungle inside: How to care for your African violet

Bring the jungle inside: How to care for your African violet

Summer is winding down, and that means it’s time to bring your outdoor jungle inside! Native to tropical climates, African violets make perfect houseplants. These violets can be found in colors ranging from white, pink and mauve to blue, lavender and deep violet. With slightly furry, deep green leaves and brightly colored blooms, these small plants will look great in any windowsill!

Ultimate care guide: Fiddle leaf fig tree

Ultimate care guide: Fiddle leaf fig tree

Summer will be cooling off soon so it’s the perfect time to bring your outdoor jungle indoors. If you’re looking for a large, luscious, bright green tree to invite a modern yet bohemian touch into your home, the fiddle leaf fig tree is the perfect houseplant for you! The Ficus lyrata is incredibly popular in interior design and for good reason! This big-leaved beauty will bring lots of life to your home. Check out the best ways to care for your fiddle leaf fig tree this season.

Slow growing sago: How to care for your sago palm

Happy August to all of our GSCO plant-lovers! Even though summer is still in full swing, it’s never too early to start thinking about putting your plant-babies in containers to bring indoors as the weather cools off. The sago palm is a great option for container planting. This way, you can start it off on your porch and bring it inside when temperatures drop.

Bring the outdoors in: Cactus care + other houseplant beauties

Bring the outdoors in: Cactus care + other houseplant beauties

Summer heat can be pretty sweltering, especially in the southern part of the US. This can mean many outdoor plants won’t survive the drought. So why not bring the outdoors in? Check out these tips on cactus care + houseplants that will be a perfect fit for your indoor jungle!

Bring the outdoors in: 8 houseplants we love

Bring the outdoors in: 8 houseplants we love

It's raining. It's pouring. Hopefully, no one is snoring despite the fact that gardening outdoors isn't as fun during North Carolina winters as it is during warmer months. That's why we like to use the winter time to plan our landscapes for spring and once we're done digging up our master plant plans, we like to goto the nursery to bring the outdoors in.

Houseplants naturally purify the air by removing airborne pollutants and have been proven to help with health conditions such as asthma. Not only are houseplants healthy, they're also the perfect way to liven up any room. Bring the outdoors in with one or a few of these houseplants we love...

Crash course: Cactus care

Crash course: Cactus care

What's cooler than no school on a snow day? Things that remind us of being warm! In a gardener's mind, there's no better way to do that than to bring the outdoors in with a little something from the desert. With Southwestern design coming back into play in interior design, we think it's a pretty sharp idea to add a cactus to your humble abode to remind you that warmer days will be here before you know it. 

While cacti are super trendy, they require a different type of care than you are used to for most of your indoor plants. The good thing is, cacti are even easier to care for than your average ficus tree or angel plant if you know what you're doing. Let's take a crash course on cactus care.

Houseplants we love: These are a few of our favorite green things

Houseplants we love: These are a few of our favorite green things

It's not official yet but spring is certainly in the air! If you're like us, you'll do anything to get it to come a little closer, baby. So let's start inside, where it's always warm. Bring spring indoors with a little greenery from nature. Try one or a few of our favorite green things (houseplants we love) below to adorn your house or office with new life...

How to grow radiant orchids

How to grow radiant orchids

Radiant Orchid was deemed Pantone's Color of the Year back in 2014 and that name describes this type of houseplant perfectly. Orchids really are radiant if cared for properly. Follow these easy steps to keep your orchid growing year after year...

Color your Cozy Spots: Your Guide to Cylamen Care

Color your Cozy Spots: Your Guide to Cylamen Care

With snow on the radar, many of our landscapes are looking drab as compared to what they looked like in full bloom during warmer months. Our tendency during these colder days is to stay indoors close the the Keurig in the cozy nooks of our homes. And although coffee and faux fur blankets will do the trick, nothing brightens and warms up the home like bringing in the magenta and red hues of summer. 

Cyclamen come in a vast variety of whites, pinks and reds, are inexpensive, easy to care for and could live up to 20 years if cared for correctly. So grab your own Cyclamen from Garden Supply Company to brighten your home and follow these easy steps to keep yours with a green thumb.

Four reasons to celebrate National Indoor Plant Week

Four reasons to celebrate National Indoor Plant Week

If you like gardening, you probably also do your best to bring the outdoors in. On the third week of September, we celebrate National Indoor Plant Week not just because we love plants but because of the many benefits that come from those we bring inside to our homes and offices. 

Think you need and excuse to add a little green to your indoor world? Check out these four interesting facts about houseplants:

Houseplants 101 Class

Different ferns and plants

Different ferns and plants

Saturday, February 7, from 10 am-11 am, come learn the basics of houseplant care with us! Keeping indoor plants is a wonderful way to add excitement and beauty to your home. We will help you determine what plants are perfect for your home and understand how to keep them thriving all year long—from watering techniques, to fertilization needs and when to repot. This class is free; simply call us at 919-460-7747 to register. Saturday, February 7 from 10 am-11 amCall 919-460-7747 to register. The class is FREE.

Growing Cacti and Succulents







Cacti and succulents are excellent houseplants that add character to any room. Firstly, understand that the words cactus and succulent are general terms that refer to a wide variety of plants. Anything called a “cactus” belongs to a certain family of plants but may be one of many different species. “Succulent” is not a family of plants, but refers to any plant with fleshy parts for storing moisture. A wide range of plants from many different parts of the world falls into the succulent category. Cacti are defined as succulents and what sets them apart as their own sub-group within that classification is that they produce growths (areoles) such as spines. These spines help defend the plant against being eaten, as well as helping to reduce water loss by diminishing the air flow close to the cacti stem and offering a little shade. What sets cacti and succulents apart is their ability to exist on low amounts of moisture. Both of these categories of plants are adept at conserving water and nutrients. Keeping indoor cacti or succulents require a special kind of care which is different from most other houseplants. These plants are tough and can stand extreme conditions with little water, but in order to thrive, they need regular care and attention. During their growth season (which is usually spring to fall), cacti and succulents will appreciate regular watering and fertilizing. Check out the tag on your individual plants to identify the specific needs of that species and ensure you successfully care for the plant. These plants do enjoy a lot of sunlight and whether they like direct or indirect light will depend on the variety, so make sure you have the right spot to meet its needs. You can always supplement light needs with a grow light if you don’t have enough daylight in your house. Cacti and succulents like a well-draining soil and should be repotted every year or two, as they outgrow their current pots and to give them fresh soil.

We have a selection of cacti and succulents, so stop in and check them out! They may be the perfect plants to supplement your indoor houseplant collection and our friendly staff will be glad to assist you in understanding their care!

Fun with Ferns



Ferns are a lacy, whimsical plant that add visual interest to any room. Their beautiful delicate appearance and easy needs make them an ideal choice to grow indoors. They gained popularity as indoor plants in the Victorian Era and the word “fern” comes from an Anglo-Saxon word (fearn) which means feather. These plants happen to be one of the only plants that do not produce flowers. They produce spores to reproduce. Ferns are native to the tropics and so enjoy high humidity, making them a good option for a bathroom. You can also mist them daily with a spray bottle, and if the humidity levels are not right, you may notice the tips of the fronds turning brown or dying. Another option to increase moisture levels around ferns is to double pot them. Place the potted fern in a larger container that is lined with moist sphagnum moss and be sure to keep the moss moist.

Table of ferns

Table of ferns

Depending on the type, ferns can have a variety of sunlight needs. Some like indirect sunlight, some will do fine with dappled or morning sun, and some can handle full sun. Check the tags on your chosen variety to ensure proper conditions. Their soil should stay evenly moist—not too wet and not too dry. When overwatered, their leaves will turn yellow and wilt. Water slowly and evenly until water runs out the bottom of the pot into the saucer. Ferns like light applications of houseplant fertilizer to stay happy and healthy.

Different ferns and plants

Different ferns and plants

Ferns should be repotted every couple years. If your fern starts looking lackluster, rejuvenate it with some outdoor time in the warm months. Place the pot in a shady spot so it can experience the fresh air and rain.

We currently have an incredible selection of ferns so if you want to give this beautiful plant a try, come see us! Our friendly associates can get you set up with everything you need to make your indoor fern a success.

Dress up your Houseplants!


Adding decorations and character to your houseplants pots can be fun and rewarding. We have a number of items that can be used to give your pots a unique look, check out some of the options we have: Moss: using moss in potted plants can give them a natural look. You can use moss across the top of plants to add a bit more interest than just the soil or mulch can provide. Using moss to decorate houseplants doesn’t have to mean simply laying it on the soil; there are also moss shapes available to draw attention.

Assorted moss products

Assorted moss products



Moss forms

Moss forms

Decorations: we have a variety of fun items to be used in pots, such as these colorful glass mushrooms. This type of item can add color and a feel of whimsy to any plant. We have other items as well, such as signs and other types of decorative objects.

Colorful mushrooms for pots

Colorful mushrooms for pots



Birds nests

Birds nests

Pots: don’t pass up the chance to make a statement with your houseplant’s pot. The container offers an opportunity to really dress up your plant. Make sure to choose a pot that you get as much enjoyment out of as the plant itself!

Pots with cutouts

Pots with cutouts

Animal pots

Animal pots

Blue pots

Blue pots

Ecoforms colorful pots

Ecoforms colorful pots

Glazed pots

Glazed pots

With all these options and more, come see us and unleash your creativity to give your houseplants a distinctive and extraordinary look!

New Arrivals: Tropical Houseplants


Shop the greenhouse for our selection of Tropical Houseplants. Their leafy foliage is the perfect addition to your home after the coziness of the Holiday décor has been packed away! Not sure which plant is a good match for you? Our on-site houseplant expert is here to help you choose the best species for your environment. Get started today!


houseplants 1

houseplants 2

houseplants 2

Houseplant Care Tips

Houseplants- Garden Supply Co

Houseplants- Garden Supply Co

Returned home from summer holiday just to find your beloved houseplants looking a bit peaked? Well, you are not alone. While it may be fairly easy to find friends or neighbors willing to pop over to water your outdoor containers, indoor houseplants are often overlooked and forgotten during vacation travel. And although your plants can probably withstand a few days, prolonged neglect can turn healthy houseplants into a wilted puddle. But before you throw those plants away, it may be possible to revive them with these helpful houseplant care tips.

Houseplant Care Tips:

To revive wilted houseplants, follow these easy steps.

1. Use a fork to lightly break up the dry surface of the soil. As a plant dries out, peat-based potting mixtures and the plant's rootball shrink away from the pot sides, so any water will be shred and run off. Lightly breaking up the surface allows water to penetrate the soil and reach the roots rather than simply running down the drain.

2. Immerse the pot in a bucket of warm water. Wait until the mixture becomes completely wet and the bubbles stop appearing.

3. Allow any excess water to drain away, and then put the plant into a cool, well-lit location. If you caught the plant in time, it should recover in a few hours.

For more houseplant care tips, stop by the garden center. Our friendly experts are on hand seven days a week with answers to all your gardening questions!