Garden to table recipe: Peach chia seed pudding

Peach Chia Seed Pudding


  • ½ cup chia seed

  • 2-3 fresh peaches (pitted, peeled and cut into large cubes)

  • 1-2 cups almond milk (or your preferred milk substitute)

  • 2 tbsp agave nectar (or honey fresh from the hive)

  • ½ cup chopped almonds


Set aside about half of a cup of your chopped peaches and place the remainder in a large measuring cup. You should have less than two cups of peaches. Pour milk into the cup to fill in around the peaches until it reaches the two cup mark. Pour milk and peaches into blender. Add one additional cup of almond milk to the blender. Add agave nectar (or honey) and blend until smooth. 

Transfer your blend to a tupperware container or jar and add chia seed. Shake or stir until the seeds are evenly dispersed. Dice the peaches you set aside earlier. Add to your mixture. Stir to mix, cover and refrigerate overnight. Garnish with chopped almonds (and maybe even a sprig of mint from the garden) on top and enjoy!

Recipe by

What's sweet as pie but healthy as a peach? Peach chia seed pudding. That's what! Yeah, yeah. Sounds kind of strange and not as good as pie but don't knock it until you've tried it. We guarantee you're going to love this healthy and energizing treat! 

But first, we need to let you know that we've got some fresh peaches headed your way! Although unexpected weather devastated peach season in much of the South wiping about 80 percent of one of our favorite summer fruits, our friends from the Carolina Peach Truck are here to save the day! 

The Carolina Peach Truck will visit GSCO Saturday July 22 from 2:30-4pm offering peaches from "the tastier peach state" of South Carolina. Both organic and regular peaches will be available for purchase by the box. Regular peaches will be $49 per box (65-80 peaches) and organic peaches will be $59 per box (48-56 peaches). Unfortunately, partial boxes will not be available for purchase. But, feel free to take home a box to share with friends, neighbors and family members!

In addition to the visit from the Carolina Peach Truck, we will also have a big sale and free food and drinks! 


Sweet Summer Savings

- a $3/gallon sale on select plants. (For example, a 1 gallon perennial will cost $3 and a 15 gallon tree will cost $45).
- Select pots will be 30% off.
- Select square ceramic saucers are 75% off.
- All concrete statuary 25% off.
- All jewelry 35% off.
- All spring floral picks 35% off.
- Butterfly bushes -- buy two get one free.
**Cannot be combined with other coupons/offers. Some exclusions may apply.
** While supplies last.