fall garden

Make your own mumkin: A cheap and easy fall DIY project

Make your own mumkin: A cheap and easy fall DIY project

What do you get when you mix and match two of our fall favorites? A mumkin! Yeah, we spelled that right. Mumkins are super fun and inexpensive gardening DIY projects to do at home with the kids or even with a group of friends over a glass of wine and now is the perfect time to make your own so that you can decorate with yours over both Halloween and Thanksgiving. It's easy! Give it a try...

Garden to Table Recipe: Creamy Chia Carrot-Ginger Soup

Garden to Table Recipe: Creamy Chia Carrot-Ginger Soup

Nothing beats homemade soup of the day when many of the ingredients come straight from your own garden. Try this delicious recipe for one of our favorite soups using as many fresh vegetables and fruits as you can from your own yard and home. 

Kale, yeah! Salad: Garden to Table Recipe

Kale, yeah! Salad: Garden to Table Recipe

Fall is upon us and with the cool season veggies coming up from our garden have us saying, "Kale, yeah!" That's because we found this amazing (and super healthy) Lemon Kale Salad recipe that includes kale, Swiss chard, green onions and pumpkin seeds that we can gather straight from the backyard garden. Try this recipe with your family tonight!

Pumpkins are for potting: How to make your own Jack-o-pot

Pumpkins are for potting: How to make your own Jack-o-pot

October is here and there aren't many front porches or stoops that won't soon be graced by gourds and bright orange (or white!) pumpkins making way for the season of candy corn, scary movies and children dressed up as cheery princesses or creepy ghouls. And while we love the tradition of carving faces into pumpkins–creepy or cute, we have another idea that might just tickle your Halloween decor fancy. Why not make your pumpkin your fall front porch pot? Here's how:

Mum's the word: An easy guide to caring for your mums

Mum's the word: An easy guide to caring for your mums

We have just two days before Fall falls upon us and nothing says Autumn like the warm hues of mums gracing our gardens. So how do we keep our mums happy and colorful? Follow this easy guide.