Garden with Confidence

Helen Yoest Coming to Garden Supply!

Helen Yoest

Helen Yoest

We will have renowned gardener Helen Yoest with us to teach “Gardening with Confidence” on Saturday, January 24 from 11 am to 12 pm. Helen is an award-winning freelance writer and garden stylist who has written a number of books and contributed articles to a wide variety of media publications. She focuses on the importance of creating unique outdoor spaces which reflect the creator’s style and preferences. Her works strive to make people think a little differently about gardening and instill in readers the confidence to unleash their creativity on the outdoors. Helen Yoest’s class will talk about the basics of creating a garden layout and how to have fun with special design features so that your personality comes through in your garden. She will share her experiences with gardening and discuss the importance of being confident in putting your personal touch on your garden.

This class will inspire you to create a garden that is uniquely your own, so don’t miss it!

Saturday, January 24 from 11 am-12pm(Refreshments provided)

The class is free, but please register by calling 919-460-7747.