Air Plants

Up in the Air: Air Plant Care

Up in the Air: Air Plant Care

Air plants–or tillandsias–can be found in the wild growing from the branches of trees in rain forests, rocky cliffs of mountain ranges and in the dry sand of deserts. In wild environments such as these, some 650 varieties of the bromeliad family evolved to thrive without soil. Those air plants that have roots, only use them to affix themselves to a host with optimal living conditions like a tree or rock. 

Baby Shower DIY Decor

Baby Shower DIY Decor

So your friend– a gardening gal like yourself–is expecting and you're planning the baby shower. You already know who you want to invite, what food you want to serve and what games you'll have on the slate, but you're not sure how to decorate the place. No need to search Pinterest for baby shower decor. Let the baby shower brainstorming end here! 



Love is in the air plants. They’re the perfect little gift to share with those you love. From your lover to your BFF, all of the loves in your life will thank you for this little piece of heaven we have on earth. They’re great for home decor, wedding and baby shower table-scapes and office spaces. So how do you care for these plant oddities that require no soil or pot? We’ll tell you…