Garden Supply Co.

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Earth Day 2013


April 22nd, marks the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day, an annual effort to raise public awareness about the environment and inspire actions to clean it up. The global theme for Earth Day 2013 is "The Face of Climate Change", as we see global changes impacting real people, animals, and beloved places all over the world everyday. We at Garden Supply Co. believe that everyone can do something small but sustainable in their own lives to improve the planet’s health. To help you get started, here’s a few simple ideas of things you could do around your own home that can make a real difference.

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Making a simple switch from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs will save energy and reduce the cost of your power bills. Compact fluorescents give the same amount of visible light, use less energy, and last longer than incandescent bulbs. And although the initial cost of compact fluorescents are higher, typical usage will save on average $40 in electricity costs over the lamp’s lifetime.

Plant a Tree

The simple act of planting a tree not only beautifies the landscape, it offers many environmental benefits as well. Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe. Trees also lessen the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. And many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. Not only that, trees provide the oxygen that we need to breathe.

Organic Landcare

Each year, thousands of tons of harmful chemicals are dumped onto neighborhood lawns, and into our water systems from lawn care companies in an attempt to keep our grassways green and weed free, with varying degrees of success. In an effort to reduce chemical wastage and over-use, Garden Supply Co.’s newest sister affiliate, Leapfrog Landcare offers a safer, more environmentally friendly approach. Leapfrog Landcare believes strongly in sustainability and supporting your local community. The majority of the products we use are produced locally and are organic. Like you, we would rather have our family hanging out on a chemical free lawn. Leapfrog Landcare is pleased to provide Compost Tea treatments, the best natural soil amendment on the planet for our local soils.


Composting offers the obvious benefits of resource efficiency and creating a useful product from organic waste that would otherwise have been landfilled. Compost is a soil amendment that can be incorporated into garden soil to help it retain moisture and nutrients. It improves the texture of problem soils and encourages the growth of microorganisms that maintain plant and soil health. And perhaps best of all, it’s a free and easy way to dispose of organic waste, which decreases trash pickups and landfill usage.

Earth Day Kids Workshop- Easy Compost Bins

Teach your kids valuable lessons that will last a lifetime in our new Earth Day Kids Compost Bin Workshop. We'll show them how to create healthy compost material from your own kitchen scraps and get them started with their own recyclable compost bin to take home. Simply bring in any size RubberMaid container and lid, and we'll help your child drill the proper drainage holes and personalize the outside of their bins, as well as provide the soil and newspapers needed to get started.


Workshop is FREE, however registration is required, and you must bring your own compost container.

Earth Day Kids Compost Bin Workshop:

Saturday, April 20th from 10 am- 12 pm
Register In-Store or call us at 919-460-7747

For more information on Earth Day 2013, please visit the Earth Day Network.