Going Tropical

Although it's officially been spring for several weeks, it seems that Mother Nature didn't decide to grace us with true spring until now. Yes, we've finally turned the corner into beautiful spring weather, perfect for gardening. And as a result, we have literally received 30 truckloads of fresh plants this week! It really looks like Spring is here to stay and we are full to the brim with bright tropicals and annuals for summer color, beautiful perennials, shrubs, and trees. Edibles, also, are here and ready for your garden.



Of all the wonderful plants we've received this week, nothing screams warm weather quite as much as the tropicals. Their exotic look, lush foliage, and exuberant blooms are a sure harbinger that the sunshine is here to stay. There are a multitude of types of tropical plants that blend nicely with other plants and trees and will add charm to almost any garden. These "companion plants" add different colors, textures, leaf patterns and appearances to the garden. If you're looking to add vivid color and diversity, then tropicals are for you.


Of course, some of the best known tropical plants are the hibiscus. Hibiscus flowers might be the most dramatic in the garden and can bloom as large as a child's head in gorgeous colors. The hibiscus plant itself is large and dramatic, and does well with plenty of space to show off. Although the huge funnel-shape flowers seldom last more than a day, they are abundant and the plant blooms over several weeks.


We have many Hibiscus to choose from in standard and braided-stem form, including this new multi-color braided Hibiscus tree that boasts two colors of flowers on one plant.

Another well-known popular tropical plant is the Mandevilla. This popular twining vine is laden with blooms from late spring to frost. If you are excited about the idea of multiple colors, then you'll love the red and white mixed vine we've received this season.


Tropical plants are known for either their exuberant color or unique foliage, and we have an amazing variety to choose from. Here are a few more of our most recent arrivals.




Remember, tropicals are available only during certain times of the year. So now is your chance!

Stop by the garden center to see more!