And the Winner is....

Cary, NC Once again, all of us at Garden Supply Co. would love to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for our Pink Garden Party and purchased a ticket (or two) for our Mini-Cooper raffle. Because of you, we are able to add $15,000 to our "Pink Garden in the Party" donations bringing our total to almost $25,000.  This is really exciting for a premier fundraising event.

Speaking of events, the Race for the Cure is just days away, June 11th.  There is still time to join our team "Gardeners for the Cure". Even if you didn't win the Mini-Cooper, there are still opportunities to win TWO Round-trip Airline Tickets anywhere in the U.S., or a $500 Gift Certificate to Garden Supply Co.!  If you have joined, keep on fundraising to win and if you haven't, follow this link and sign up now.

If you are going to be at the race on Saturday, we are hoping we can all meet in front of Meredith's Chapel before the Open Recreational Walk, for a team photo at 8:30am.  This will give our "Competive" racers and "Women's Only" race participants a chance to join us before we walk. Please don't let this time frame stress you out.  We want you all to enjoy the day and when we have our team party in the fall, we will take another picture!

And now, the winner of our Mini-Cooper raffle is........Nancy Werner! CONGRATULATIONS!

And thanks again to everyone for your hard work, commitment, and dedication to making this a world free of breast cancer!