July Fescue Lawn Care

Hello everyone and happy Monday to you!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready to start a brand new week. We have just experienced a "new beginning" down at Garden Supply with the completion of a new roof in our garden Greenhouse. Not a pleasant job by far in the heat of July, but we are excited to have that task now out of the way.  Look for new items to start filtering into the Greenhouse soon, as our big buying trip is coming up next weekend. And in the meantime, there are still a few deals to be had on remaining pink tagged items. With this intense Piedmont summer heat, many lawns and gardens are starting to take a beating.  We recommend continued use of Drought Defense to aid in water absorption and retention in planting beds and sodded areas.

Simply attach this easy-to-use nozzle to your garden hose and spray as directed.  You'll notice a definite "greening" up after a couple of applications.

And for fescue lawn care in July, you can reduce stress on your lawn and enhance a dark green color with a little PH correction. PH refers to the acidity of your soil. Contact your agricultural extension to find out how to take a soil sample and retrieve the results. After determining your PH you can use pelletized lime to correct it.

Hope these tips get your lawns and gardens in tip-top shape in no time.  As always, our experts are standing by with answers to all your questions.

Thanks so much for stopping by!