Mother's Day Weekend

Hello everyone and happy Sunday to you! All of us at Garden Supply want to wish you mothers out there a very wonderful Mother's Day.  How fortunate we are to have these special women in our lives! If you are lucky enough to have your mom in town with you, plan on a visit today and let her stroll through the gardens at leisure. And if you're a mom yourself, take a few minutes to unwind here.  It's so beautiful right now.  I hear so many times from you how nice it is just to "come and wander around".... I agree! I am one of the lucky ones to have my mother visiting, and for Mother's Day this year, we spent our time together at Garden Supply.  Of all the activities we could have planned for the weekend, we both chose to spend some quality time together strolling the gardens.  The excitement of all the beautiful plants in bloom is absolutely contagious.  Mom and I want to make a "Mother's Day Garden" in my backyard that we can watch flourish and grow in the years to come.  I can't think of a better Mother's Day gift.  Now I will have a constant reminder of Mom every time I look out my windows.

I would like to share with you our creative journey of  this garden to perhaps inspire you if you have a similar area at your home that could use a little special touch.  I am working with a border area up against the back foundation of my house.  The area receives a bit of morning sun, but for most of the day, this zone is in the shade.  So step one was to head to the shade plant area at Garden Supply, where there are so many gorgeous plants to choose from.  We decided on Hostas as our main focus. Hostas are extremely popular, hardy herbaceous perennials grown primarily for their beautiful foliage. They are easy to grow, shade-tolerant plants. Leaves come in a wide range of shapes, colors, sizes, and textures and may be solid in color or variegated in different combinations of blue, green, white, and gold. The plants are low maintenance and with the huge selection of choices at Garden Supply, your options are boundless.

After weighing all the choices, we decided to go with a variety of hostas in a chartreuse-green color palette.  Chartreuse foliage is highly visible, even from a distance, and brings light to low-light areas. Choosing a variety of cultivars brings some interest to the border, while sticking to a chartreuse color palette unites the border into a cohesive planting.

Our hosta selection included: Great Expectations, Stained Glass, Atlantis, Fragrant Bouquet, Guacamole, and Sum & Substance.  We then decided on a few companion plants for our border to add more depth and interest, sticking to the shade area plantings at the garden center. We paired the hostas with the dark purple foliage of the 'Plum Pudding' Heuchera (Coral Bells) which do well in sun or light shade, and the light and airy foliage of the 'Cinnamon' Fern.  The contrast of these 3 plants provides a ton of visual interest.

For my 20-foot border, we selected 9 hostas, 3 coral bells, and 4 cinnamon ferns. Allowing for adequate planting space, this was the perfect number of plants to fill the area.

I hope this has given you some ideas for those of you with similar planting opportunities in your yards.  Come back and visit soon to see our completed Mother's Day Garden.  And in the meantime, we'll see you down at Garden Supply.

Happy Mother's Day!