
It's Bagworm Season

Damage on Arborvitae from Bagworms

Worms are not often a critter that I spend much time thinking about. Beyond a usefulness in composting, worms seem rather mundane and unremarkable.  But right about now, An insidious little worm that often goes undetected may be causing all sorts of mischief with your favorite trees and shrubs. If your plants have suddenly gone from healthy to half-dead, you may have come down with a case of the bagworms.

Bagworms are caterpillars that make distinctive cone-shaped bags on a variety of trees and shrubs. They attack both deciduous trees and evergreens, but are especially damaging to juniper, arborvitae, spruce, pine, and cedar. Large populations of bagworms can strip plants of their foliage and eventually cause them to die. Infestations often go unnoticed because people mistake the bags for pinecones or other plant structures.

Bagworms on Spruce

Now is the time to treat your plants while the bagworms are still small. Keep your eye out for older bags from last season. One or two bags from last season can mean 50-100 new bagworms this year.

Cone Shaped Bags

If you catch the bagworms now, you can treat them yourself with a number of products that we carry here at Garden Supply Co. Thuricide, a natural product, works well, as does Dipel or Bifenthrin. Or of course our friends at Leapfrog Landcare can treat your problem spots if your plants are mature and the bags are out of reach.

For more gardening tips, stop on by the garden center and speak with one of our friendly experts. We're here seven days a week for all your gardening needs. Hope to see you soon!