Bring the sunshine with citrus: Grow your own this holiday season

Winter weather is in full effect, so why not create a little sunshine to brighten things up a bit? Christmas citrus is the perfect way to bring even more holiday cheer to your home. Citrus smells so fresh in your home, and it blends perfectly with scents of evergreen and cinnamon!

Not only can you enjoy your citrus through the holiday season, but you can also transition the plant onto your porch when spring approaches. This plant will add life to your home for years to come! So how can you create your own sunshine with citrus this holiday season? Check out these tips on growing your own.

Start from the bottom.

If you’re starting your citrus from a seed, it may take a few years for your plant to flower—but it will be a long-lasting addition to your home. Grab an organic lemon and remove the seed. While the seed is still moist, plant it about half an inch deep in a small pot of damp soil. Cover the pot with plastic wrap, seal with a rubber band and poke tiny holes in the top.

Place your pot in a warm, sunny location. Spray the soil with water as necessary in order to keep it moist—it shouldn’t dry out at any point. After a couple of weeks, you should see a sprout emerge. Remove the plastic wrap after the plant begins to poke through the soil.

Keep a close eye on your citrus—give it at least 8 hours of sun, prune any dead leaves, feed it occasionally with organic fertilizer, and make sure it isn’t attacked by bugs. When your citrus begins to outgrow the small pot, replant it in a larger container.


Enjoy Christmas citrus this holiday season.

If you’d rather not wait a few years to enjoy your Christmas citrus, find a dwarf tree that’s anywhere from 2 to 3 years old. Make sure your container and soil are both well draining, and find potting soil that’s specific to citrus trees. Anywhere from 8 to 12 hours of sun a day is ideal. If you find more sun is needed for your plant—particularly in the dark winter months—you can use a grow light to supplement.

Keep your citrus tree in an area away from chilly drafts and heat flow—exterior doors, fireplaces and radiators—as it prefers remaining at a steady temperature. Water your tree regularly, and use moss or pebbles to help regulate the moisture level of the soil. While fully-grown citrus trees enjoy moist air, they also prefer for their soil to be kept on the dry side to help prevent root rot and fungal infections—particularly in the winter.


Christmas citrus is the perfect addition to your home this holiday season. Stop by GSCO to grab your own citrus tree, and add the fresh scent of sunshine to your home!