New year, new yard: How to plan for paradise

Landscaping can be like learning a second language if you’re not a pro. But it’s also a pretty fun way to spend time outdoors creating your own private paradise. Follow these steps to help start your new year with a new yard:

Draw it out. First things first. Go outside with a pencil and paper. (Some prefer using graph paper since it tends to make it easier to draw to scale.) Now, draw your yard from the aerial perspective as best as you can. We’re not going for award-winning masterpieces here. We’re just trying to take a look at what’s already there so that we can erase, shift and add as we like without getting our hands dirty at first. 

In living color. Once you’ve drawn out your yard, take a look. Which pieces are permanent? Color those large trees, concrete slabs and fences in using colored pencils or markers so you’ll better be able to visualize what you’re working with since the rest of it can come out of the ground, transplanted, trashed or planted over. 

Take a trip. Now, take a little field trip into print and virtual paradise via magazine clippings and online searches to figure out what it is that you really like. Keep in mind your climate and the level of sun exposure in your own yard. 

As seen on TV. Close your eyes. Visualize the culmination of your dream yard (as seen on TV and/or online) and your actual property. What trees could go where? Is there a new paved pathway that winds from your back porch to a new koi pond? Is there a water fountain in the center of a zen circle? Is there a new outdoor dining area with a terrace or a tall border of firs to give you some privacy from the neighbor's?

Fill it in. Now, draw out your vision on the same sheet of paper feeling free to draw right on top of anything you didn’t color in. If you’re already a plant expert and know exactly what types of trees, shrubs, annuals and perennials will thrive in your space, go ahead and label as you draw. If not, do your best to draw out or label what is it that you want in those spaces and then take a visit to see us. We’ll do our best to suggest plants we think match your wants while fitting the plants needs.

Make it happen. Swing by GSCO and shop til’ you drop. No, we’re kidding! We suggest you purchase plants based on your budget. If you only have a little cash saved for your project, start with your trees and shrubs first and come back for the filler later. This will give your larger plants a longer time to grow so that by the time you get to the rest, they’re already larger and thriving. Or, if you’re ready to give it a go all at once, we’re ready when you are! You can even book a pine straw or mulch delivery when you check out. 

Grab a green thumb. Looking for some help planning your landscape or just want the pros to handle it for you? Click the button below to schedule a Landscape Consultation today!