Five tips to attract hummingbirds to your yard

Who doesn’t love seeing tiny, jewel-toned hummingbirds gracing their gardens? If you want to attract more to your yard, follow these five, easy steps and you’ll soon find hummingbirds fluttering all around your garden!

Go natural. The varieties of hummingbirds thatvisit your area each year have been doing so for years. So naturally these birds migrate here in search of their usual Southern fare. Just like when we visit our favorite vacation spot each year and expect to grub on our favorite dish at a familiar local dive, hummingbirds hunt down their tradition favorite nectars. This makes things easy on us! One of the easiest (and prettiest!) ways to attract hummingbirds to our yards is to simply add native plants to our gardens and landscaping. Try purple coneflower, azaleas, trumpet vine, Eastern columbine, cardinal flower, trumpet vine and coral honeysuckle.

Timing is of the essence. Hang your feeders about 5-10 days prior to the expected spring return for your area. Hummingbirds usually migrate to our area around mid to late April. 

Sticky situation. Strangely enough, hummingbirds are big fans for spiders for two reasons. For one, spiderwebs are what hummingbirds use to hold their nests together. And secondly, hummingbirds enjoy stealing bugs trapped in spiderwebs as snacks. So while it may be tempting to remove spiders and their webs from around your home, remember that they play a vital role in nature including keeping those ruby throats around for your viewing pleasure. 

Be bright. It’s no secret that hummingbirds are attracted to bright reds and pinks. That’s why most feeders you’ll find at garden supply centers are made of bright red plastics. Purchase one or two for your yard and be sure to hang them close to a window so that you’ll catch as many glimpses of these beauties as possible! These feeders do best under a little shade. Placement in a shady place slows the process of fermentation of the nectar which can spoil between two and five days. Keeping these feeders clean is imperative! If your feathered friends find a cleaner place to dine, they’ll abandon your feeder for another that’s fresh.

Grateful dead(head). We’re all grateful for bold, beautiful blooms in our yards. So do yourself (and your neighborhood hummingbirds) a favor. Deadheading your flowers helps to enhance and encourage new blooms. This will keep your garden looking it’s best while attracting more hummingbirds to your home.  

Want to learn more about hummingbirds or need to pick up a few native plants and feeders? Stop by Garden Supply Company. We’ve got all of your birding and gardening needs covered!