Custom Design Services at Garden Supply Co.



Take a walk any day around the garden center, and you are sure to notice the gorgeous potted container gardens dressing up the benches and entryways and dotted here and there along the garden paths. Doesn't matter what time of year or season, our designers just have a knack for putting together eye-catching combinations. Of course these potted beauties are available to purchase, but did you know that we also offer custom design services?  Just pick your pot, and we'll do the rest. Together, we can create the container garden of your dreams at Garden Supply Co.



Custom Design Services

Whether you're looking for a quick gift or are wanting to add some potted plants to your patio, we can help you create custom plant arrangements that are perfectly suited to your needs and budget. We are pleased to offer a variety of services.

On-Sight Design

For an hourly design and potting fee, our designers will create custom plantings for you here at the garden center. You can use your own containers, or choose from our fabulous selection of pots and urns.

Here is one of our talented designers creating a custom pot using a vintage container I brought in from home.



I wanted to give this as a birthday gift to my gardening friend, and turned to the experts at the garden center to help me choose the right plants for the job. With just a few questions about growing conditions, Tracy was off and running, putting together an absolutely gorgeous container garden in no time.

The $35/hour design fee included the design time from plant selection to potting, as well as the soil and materials used. All plants are purchased separately.





If you purchase containers from us at the garden center, we'll provide the soil and materials and pot your plants for free

Design at Your Home

For a  $45 hourly fee, we'll bring the design services directly to you, creating custom container gardens on sight at your home or place of business.

Just let us know which custom design service works best for you!