Garden Supply Co.

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Grounded in Gardening

Today, both research and pop culture urge us each to take better care of ourselves. Spending time in nature recently caught on as an acceptable and even preferred method of self-care with opportunities for healthy eating, physical activity and stress relief. Let Garden Supply Company provide you with the right foundation for good gardening habits this year.

Self-Watering Greenhouse Kit at GSCO.

Studies link healthier eating habits, especially in children, with gardening and growing fresh produce. Start your warm weather produce seedlings indoors now. Choose from different types of trays and several lids for varying seedlings and sizes. Layer your Espoma seed starting soil into your black plastic tray of choice. Select your favorite seeds! Do you need a artificial light? Your seedlings want warm, bright light anywhere from 12-18 hours each day and if your windows can’t provide that, install an artificial light or lamp. Consider using a mister or sprayer for watering tiny seeds in soil. Grow seeds and sprouts with a DIY setup or use a gardening kit!

Dig in with ‘Root Slayer’ tools from GSCO.

Gardeners of all ages benefit from the physical aspects of gardening. Organize your equipment, small and large, and update worn out and broken pieces. Within the next few weeks, prepare your outside beds for seedling transplants. Clean out old plants and plant debris. Mix in fresh soil amendments. Transport 1.5cf bags of Leafgro, an organic screened compost soil conditioner, from our shed to your garden bed or speak with a gardener about suggested amendments for your plot. You’ll thank yourself later for taking care of this now!

‘Little Gem’ and ‘Teddy Bear’ Magnolias in the screening bed at Garden Supply Company.

For decades, the Japanese have practiced forest bathing, surrounding oneself in the forest and fresh air, as a tool for relaxation and lowering stress. Bathe in greenery all year long by adding evergreens to your landscape. Magnolia, Viburnum and Ligustrum are favorites, tolerating sun, with large green foliage. Arborvitae grow quickly and create dense hedges for screening and privacy. Want more color? Nandina, Abelia, Barberry and Loropetulum burst with vibrant colors throughout the winter and rest of the year. Still need inspiration? Consult our landscape department!

Speaking of ‘ground breaking,’ did you hear the news from favorite groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil? He didn’t see his shadow, which means, spring is coming! Ground yourself in gardening this year and find everything you need, with experts to help, at Garden Supply Company!