Garden Supply Co.

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If moms were flowers I'd pick you: Peonies are for picking

You can make her breakfast in bed, but you know what goes best with a cup of morning Joe and a stack of flapjacks? That's right! Fresh cut flowers. So this Mother's Day (it's this Sunday, y'all!), why not get mom a gift that keeps on giving and buy her a shrub for the garden and one that you can pick gigantic, gorgeous flowers off of most of Spring?

Although there are plenty of beautiful blooms all around Garden Supply Company, one of our favorites for picking and using in fresh cut floral arrangements is the peony.  There are a vast assortment of peonies out there that ride the spectrum of warm pastels. Take your pick from all shades of white, yellow, pink and red. Pretty much all of the peonies we carry are sure to be show-stoppers. Just one big bloom will really make a statement in the room (or on that tray you're serving mom breakfast in bed on).

Tips for Keeping Fresh-Cut Floral Arrangements

1. Start with a bucket or vase of water. Bring it outside with you too! This way, you can place the stems of your cuttings directly in the water once you've snipped them off of the plant. Remove any leaves and foliage that would be submerged once in the vase. Leaves and unnecessary blooms rot easily which causes the water to dirty and shortens the life of your bouquet. 

2. If time allows, change the water in your flower arrangement daily. As you do this, snip the stems around half an inch each at an angle to allow the stems to draw more water.