Garden Supply Co.

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Garden to Table: Just beet it detox smoothie recipe

Our winter blues melted away when our truck full of late winter greens, herbs and other veggies stopped by to take a load off earlier this week. So grab your veggies and let's tell winter to just beet it with this garden to table detox recipe that uses ingredients straight from the ground!

Just Beet It Detox Smoothie


  • 1/2 beet

  • 1 carrot

  • 1 small handful of parsley (stems removed)

  • 1 apple

  • 1 cup coconut milk or 2 cups hemp milk

  • 1 pinch of shaved coconut

  1. Pick what veggies and herbs you can fresh from your garden and wash thoroughly to remove any dirt and insects.

  2. Chop the carrot and beet if needed. (Take into consideration what type of smoothie maker or blender you have to decide how finely you'll need to chop them.) Cut and core the apple.

  3. Add all ingredient into the blender and blend until your smoothie reaches your preferred consistency.

  4. Sprinkle with shaved coconut.

  5. Enjoy! (The sooner you drink the smoothie from the point of picking your ingredients and blend the smoothie, the more nutrients will be available and maximized for detoxification.)

If you're looking to get your vegetable garden ready for spring like we are, stop by GSCO to grab your seed, seed-starter kits and six-packs of delicious groceries to grow on your own. Need a little help getting started? Register for our Seed Starting 101 class tomorrow.